Discipleship Pathway

Christ has commanded us to go make disciples of all nations. At Redeemer, we want to make His final words our first work. We want to make disciples who make disciple-makers.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,…”

But, what is discipleship?

Discipleship is intentionally equipping believers with the Word of God through accountable relationships empowered by the Holy Spirit in order to replicate faithful followers of Christ.

At Redeemer, we believe the ONLY way we can truly serve others is by making them disciples of Jesus!

God has blessed us with a great ministry, which is THE ministry of our church - our 4 step Discipleship Pathway. The Pathway is not a menu to choose from but a map to guide and equip you to grow in Christ as you follow Him. The whole Pathway is built on relationships in the context of community. A pathway implies movement and that there is a goal in mind. The goal is that along the path Christ has laid out for us, we would make disciples who make disciple-makers!


We want you to be involved in 4 specific areas of our church:

1. We want you to know God more through one of our weekly worship gatherings at Redeemer as we faithfully teach God's Word.

2. We want you to find community in one of our weekly Community Groups as you "do life" with others guided by God's Word.

3. We want you to make disciples in a yearly D-Group of 3-5 men or women as you engage the Bible through accountable relationships.

4. We want you to join God's work and mission to change the world through missions, evangelism, and serving.


Where are you on the Discipleship Pathway?

It's time to take your next step!